Ethnos and Individual as Subjects of Social Reality: Consistent Patterns of Interconnection in its Modern State


  • Yuliia Yemelianova Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



Global evolutionary process, anthropological social cultural genesis, social subject, piritual sphere of human existence, «atomisation» of an individual, Ukrainian ethnos


Ethnic community (Ethnos) and ethnophor (Indivual) are two subjects of social universe that are analysed in this article from the evolution approach point of view. Generalisation of the role of culture in the process of evolutionary becoming and complication of the human world is a methodological base for this analysis. Ethnos as a collective subject is examined as a functional organisation created by individuals, as a psycho-cultural construction that does not have objectivity. The author substantiates that ethnos and individual are interdependent in the evolutionary process, besides, the process of becoming of ethnos as a collective subject of social reality contains preconditions for becoming of subjectivity of an indi-vidual. Potential subjectivity of social material assumes not only emerge of subjects and their competition, but movement of social material towards increasingly complex form of subjectivity. In such context «atomization», «crystallization», of an individual which is an ongoing object of analysis by social theory, can be seen as a demonstration of evolutionary tendency in forming an individual as of a more complex subject of social universe.


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