Everyday Consciousness and/or Commonness in the World of Religion


  • Yu. G. Boreyko Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University




everyday religious consciousness, commonness of religion, existence, common sense, life experience, religious activity


In the article it is analyzed the interrelation of the notions «everyday consciousness» and «commonness» in the world of religion. It is defined the components of everyday religious consciousness as a medium of commonness of religion. The most important characteristics of everyday consciousness is domination of notional, valuable factors over cognitive ones. Meaningful elements that encode commonness of religion are common sense, life experience, axiological sets, and religious beliefs. Commonness ensures existence of these components by means of approbation, repeating of ordinary, foreseeable and monotonous activity.  Commonness as a sphere of reality turns out to be unclosed in itself thanks to everyday consciousness that introduces into circulation new everyday structures. Everyday consciousness constantly steps outside everyday existence as it expresses not only reality of commonness, but adapts to itself spheres of uncommon activity and communication. Everything that is cognized, is created and changed in society, and is necessary for it and doesn’t step outside the limits of commonness. Studying of commonness of religion lets us synthesize the components of everyday religious consciousness (knowledge, values, etc.) and religious activity (actions, deeds, practice) of believers.


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