The out-Cultic Practices as a Method of a Personality Realization
out-cultic practices, cultic practices, the parishioners, Church, religious communityAbstract
The author conducted a series of in-depth semi-structured interviews with young parishioners of Christian churches in 2013 in Lutsk. She elucidated a positive attitude and interest of young people in out-cultic practices. According to the survey, the parishioners marked a social and out-confessional character of out-cultic practices. In every church there are specific areas of such practices, for example, the work with older people, the sick, leisure activities, etc., but young people can choose the priority. From the general motives of the participation in out-cultic practices were personal desires and initiative of churches and religious community. So, the out-cultic practices contribute to forming of a personality and they contribute to the approval of Christian and civil values.
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