Social Expectations as Determinants of Integration Trends in Ukrainian Society
social challenges, integration trends, typology of social expectations, social strategiesAbstract
In this article, the authors attempt to identify potential trends in the integration of Ukrainian society during the post-war period. The scholarly reflection is grounded in substantiating the influence of social expectations on the integrative direction of social interactions.
The empirical basis of the article relies on two datasets collected by the authors in 2020 and 2023 (2020 - a survey of adult residents of regional centers in Ukraine, excluding the AR of Crimea and the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk regions, using the CATI method, N=1500; 2023 - a survey conducted through the online panel "SunFlower Sociology," utilizing self-administered questionnaires by the adult population of Ukraine, except for the temporarily occupied territories, N=600).
Empirical investigations have shown that social actors feel the need to minimize the state of social uncertainty by enhancing social interaction with each other. This is done to gather information about the possible behavior of the "other" and to forecast potential reactions and consequences of actions in the current social situation in Ukraine. This factor is pivotal in the development of integrative social relations, representing a specific model of interaction among society members in the post-war period. The prevalence among respondents (in comparison to 2020) of an active strategy in response to social uncertainties indicates a decrease in distancing from other social actors and social infantilization. This is foster increased social interaction and integration within society. This trend is positive, as individuals from different generations form their own social expectations under this strategy, demonstrating an interest in minimizing social uncertainties caused by Russia's overt military aggression.
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