High-skilled precarity: The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland
Ukraine, refugees, temporary protection, low-skilled employability, war in Ukraine, precarious positionAbstract
The situation of Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland significantly differs from their Syrian counterparts in terms of acceptance. Ukrainians were offered temporary protection and this is associated with receiving humanitarian aid, housing, social and health insurance and free entrance on the labor market and all levels of education. They were also widely accepted by public, regional administrations and non-governmental organizations. However, in spite of their dispositions, they still struggle with livelihood in both countries due to weaker integration policies. This article is based on semi-structural interviews with fifty-seven Ukrainian refugees in the Czech Republic and Poland, and it shows that despite their prospective dispositions, educational level and general acceptance, they often work in low-skilled jobs due to weak language proficiency and this hinders their adaptation. Thus they often fall into a precarious position although some of them may still feel satisfied as holders of temporary protection.
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