Features of Using Foresight to Anticipate and Solving Problems in the Social Sphere.


  • Oksana Rudakevich Ternopil National Economic University
  • Vitaliy Bіskup Ternopil National Economic University




social problems, foresight, prediction methods, critical technologies, scenarios


The ability of science to generate knowledge of advanced nature is a pre-condition to avoid undesirable social problems in the future. The newest method, which is actively used in the prediction of constructive scenarios and functioning of social life is foresight. As Ukrainian society faces a number of challenges, there is a need for large-scale researches, which assistance determine critical points that could have negative consequences for social life. Most social problems are derived from structural problems, which are defined as basal, as they encourage the actualization of unit the fans derivative social destructions: social anomie, social exclusion, identity crisis, ideological contradiction, virtualization of reality. For their over-coming it is necessary to initiate general social discussions that results in the formation of the desired scenarios of the future state of social systems and identify key technologies aimed at resolving social distortions both at the current situation and for overcoming social problems, the likelihood of which is high enough.


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