The Main Factors of Citizen’s Social Well-Being (regression model of lacking spheres)


  • Emiliia Avramuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



regression analysis, Integral Index of Social Well-being, social welfares, coefficient of determination, the city of Lutsk


Studying social well-being of people is an important indicator of society life; especially relevant in this case are special methods based on multidimensional approach. In this article, the author used the method of Integral Index of Social Well-Being (E. Golovakha, N. Panina). The empirical data of the research are the arrays of data of city monitoring «Social well-being of Lutsk citizens», conducted by the Laboratory of sociological researches of Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University in Lutsk in June 2016, and secondary data of analogical researches in 2014 and 2015.
For separating the main factors of social well-being of Lutsk citizens, we built the qualitative regression models of social well-being for its lacking spheres and welfares (coefficient of determination – 52 % and 59 % accordingly). Considering the results of regression analysis, the most important in forming social well-being of citizens is the sphere of social security, then – socio-political sphere (0,307) and the least important – sphere of social relations (0,187). While specifying the regression model, we identified that such social welfares, as state protection from life level reduction, people able to lead the state, political ideals worth being supported – are statistically insignificant. While the most important are such social welfares as legal help in rights protection (0,294), fare appraisal of person’s merits (0,211), norms and values that unite people in the state and society (0,189), protection against crime (0,165).


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