Socio-Psychological Conditions and Factors of the Formation of a Revolutionary Situation (Theoretical Aspect of the Study of the Problem)




change in public consciousness, transformation of social and cultural systems


The study of the questions of the revolution and the reasons for its formation and development is of scientific interest in the context of changes in public consciousness and its influence on
the speed of social processes. The analysis of foreign and domestic scientific works showed that the use of the concept of “cause of revolution” for different eras is ambiguous, and the explanations for the emergence and development of
revolution are characterized by variability of concepts, which is caused both by differences in scientific approaches to the definition of key concepts and subjective vision by scientist’s research objectives. The article presents a classification of
the most recognized foreign models and approaches in the aspect of which the causes of the revolution are studied, and accordingly, in our study, an approach is used that optimally allows you to highlight the "cause-effect" relationship. It is
determined that the objective and subjective conditions for maintaining the revolutionary situation in Ukraine are changes in the system of relations in the social structure of society and the transformation of individual norms and rules to the
action of a social elevator. It was emphasized that a change in the conditions of social interaction led to the development in society of an objective relationship “social disorientation - social anomie - social cynicism - social madness”,
characterized by a tendency to repeat and narrow in time. Their reflection is subjective factors, characterized by affective and cognitive actions of the individual in the choice of goals and methods to increase their own social status. It is
emphasized that for the beginning of cardinal actions it is necessary to include the mechanism of “occasion-trigger mechanism of revolution”. It is proved that the cause of Ukrainian revolutions is the socio-psychological instability of
society, manifested in the interconnection of objective conditions with relative inertia and changing objective factors with each electoral cycle, and the level of interaction of subjective conditions and factors determined the intensity of
development of revolution.


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