Consumer Ppractices as an Everyday Practices in Modern Ukrainian Society


  • Valentyna Liubchuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



consumption, consumer practices, everyday practices, consumer


The author defined consumer practices as the type of everyday practices. According to the phenomenological approach and practical paradigm such practices characterize by three types of changes: articulation, and reconfiguration, and borrowing. Articulation is a process of increased interest in consumer practices in society. Reconfiguration as a type of change is to change the status of marginality of consumer practices to the status of a norm for a given society. Borrowing is perception of the norms and values of other cultures. So, in Ukraine society we have different types of consumer practices. They have a number of specific features as refusal to purchase products and supplies for future use; the emergence of new standards for comparison; appearance of such criteria in the choice of goods, such as reliability, prestige; the emergence of new items of expenditure, in particular, paid medicine, education, new means of communication and some others. All these features of consumer practices are formed in conditions of a state in which separate societies and the world as a whole passed - crisis, emergency, exclusion. Makeev S., Oksamitnaya S. preferred the «singularity» as a quirky combination of events, the crisis in the economy, the state of emergency in culture and the state of exclusiveness in political life. The results of some sociological studies indicate a worsening of the economic situation of Ukrainian citizens, which is reflected in their consumer preferences. Thus, low-income citizens tend to consume consumer savings practices and high-income citizens are guided by consumer practices that are typical of other cultures, such as paid education, medicine, etc. For them, such consumer practices can become routine.


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