Ukrainization of YouTube Content as a Manifestation of Cultural Resistance of Ukrainians in a Course of the Russо-Ukrainian War
cultural resistance, digital resistance, language resiliency, Ukrainian society, sociological researchAbstract
The article examines the distribution and popularization of Ukrainian-language content on YouTube as a form of cultural resistance, with a focus on language as a tool and symbol of national and cultural identity. The main objective of this study is to analyze language preferences and interpret them in terms of cultural resistance, in order to determine whether Ukrainians choose Ukrainian-language content as a general trend or as a means of resisting the dominance of Russian-language content on YouTube. The Russian Federation often utilizes YouTube for spreading disinformation, propaganda, promoting hostile narratives, and conducting information and psychological operations. The prevalence of Russian-language content has negative consequences for Ukrainian culture and potentially undermines the nation's sovereignty and cultural integrity. Furthermore, the accumulation of Russian-language content hinders the development of Ukraine's own cultural output and increases information control by Russia. Therefore, it is necessary to comprehensively study and assess the phenomenon of "cultural resistance" within YouTube. This study conceptualizes cultural resistance through categories such as attitudes towards the Ukrainian language in the YouTube space, behavioral practices, and perceptions of language importance. These aspects are quantitatively explored in the article through an online survey targeting the Ukrainian YouTube audience. The results show a significant shift in preferences towards Ukrainian-language content, contrasting with the situation observed in 2021. The data confirms a statistically significant correlation between understanding the importance of language and choosing Ukrainian as the language for consuming content on YouTube. The study demonstrates that the preference for Ukrainian-language content is an active component of cultural resistance on the YouTube digital platform, rather than a passive choice. These findings highlight the strategic role of language in shaping cultural resistance and provide a framework for understanding this complex concept in the digital age.
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