Religious Capital: Theoretical Approaches and Features of the Operationalization


  • D. V. Myronovych Donetsk State University of Management


religion, religious capital, religious participation, theory of rational choice, religious market


The author considers features of conceptions of religious capital and theory of rational choice. The concept of religious capital (by L. Iannaccone, R. Stark and R. Finke) uses the economic approach and terminology to develop and test a new model of religious participation. The model explains observed patterns in denominational mobility, religious intermarriage, conversion ages, the relationships between church attendance and contributions. Throughout this paper we are discussed the sources of the religious capital approach, as it evolved from social and cultural capital to be applied specifically to religious participation and interaction. The concept of religion capital sidesteps questions related to the sense and value side of religion, it nevertheless illuminates a great many issues; denominational mobility, religious intermarriage, the timing of conversions etc.


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