Using Composite Variables for Measuring Social Status


  • M. V.-S. Sydorov Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv
  • O. V. Sokolovska Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv


Indexes with composite variables, SES, ISP, ISC


The paper discusses the most popular in the world using composite indices of variables to determine the social status of the respondents. These indexes are an Warner Index of Status Characteristics or ISC, Socioeconomic Status Score or SES and the Hollingshead Index of Social Position or ISP. All indicators are not equivalent, but they are comparable because using similar criteria and their interpretation in the conventional division of society into classes. Analysis of a set of indicators of each index and their method of obtaining showed that ISP is aimed at long-term, universal and accurate assessment of social status, as there is no reference to the level of income and in the method of calculation takes into account marital status; ISC also makes it possible to capture long-term status of the respondent by taking into account the characteristics of real estate – the area of residence and state of residence, which is more stable than the characteristic profit level SES. The method of calculation of all three indicators also confirms higher reliability ISP and ISC, rather than SES.


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