The Potential of Using the Concepts «Way of Living» and «Life Style» for Sociological Analysis of Individual Health Practices




way of living, lifestyle, healthy way of living, social practices, individual health


The theoretical bases of the analysis of the phenomena «way of living» and «lifestyle» are considered in the article. The retrospective analysis of approaches to its consideration is made. It is shown that the main markers of way of living are the types of life activity and ways of its implementation, which are normalized by socio-political, cultural or socio-economic structures in society. It has been demonstrated that way of living reflects socially typical practices. Lifestyle is a more individualized phenomenon that has particular manifestations in everyday life and is embedded in the social space by each individual or group. All approaches to the interpretation of way of living and lifestyles are grouped into three groups: a synonymous approach in which the terms «way of living» and «lifestyle» are regarded as interchangeable; an approach in which lifestyle is viewed as a narrower concept than way of living; an approach where these concepts are differentiated and treated as equivalent. On the basis of various definitions of these concepts, their comparison was made and a conclusion about the substantive sub-catherogality of the concept of «lifestyle» with respect to the concept of «way of living» was made. Possibilities of using these categories to analyze the phenomenon of individual health are considered. The necessity of the multidisciplinary nature of using of the concepts of «way of living» and «lifestyle» in its research is shown. Based on its features, it is concluded that the using of the concept of «healthy way of living» over the concept of «healthy lifestyle». The second is considered as an individualized version of the first. It is shown that the use of one of the studied concepts does not limit the possibility of using another. Their differentiation can be made depending on the concept of the research taking into account the continuums: «norm – variability», «social – individual».


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