The Ukrainian National Idea in the Reflection of Conservative Ideology


  • І. O. Bychuk Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University


onservatism, the Ukrainian national idea, the ideal of National, the Ukrainian people


Ukrainian conservatism is the unique phenomenon of public opinion of Ukraine of end of ХІХ  to beginning of ХХ of century. It was succeeded to do ponder able intellectual payment Ukrainian conservatism in the inheritance of conceptualization of national idea of Ukraine, which the figures of conservative motion bound above all things to the revival and defence of national identity, and in a political sphere – with an autonomy and state independence. They determined the awareness of ukrainstvom the key factor of effectiveness of national idea itself as unique in a civilized manner social to integrity. Decision role in forming and filling of national idea conservatives took the real maintenance national elite. The Ukrainian conservatives grounded conceptions of labour legitimacy (V. Lipinskiy), klerikal'noy (S. Tomashivskiy) and military (V. Kuchabskiy) monarchy.


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