Research Specificity of Countryside Life Success Strategies


  • K. I. Lebedynska V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University


peasant, success, life success, strategy of life success, daily life, biographic interview


The modern rural sociology of Ukraine needs new methodological guidelines and interpretations in her study to explain the contemporary rural social reality. The author comes to conclusion that the study of the countryside should be considered at the micro level by analyzing the category «life success strategies» if to distinguish the main concept measure of «success life» on a subjective level as an individual evaluation of their activities and objective – social – as recognized by society. Because the process of adaptation to the new environment promotes typical behavioral of life strategies changes, which in turn lead to the transformation of those practices, and accumulating changes in practices – to change the social system. The realization of this project is possible practicing such qualitative sociological research, as biographical interviews.


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