Політична участь: концептуальні схеми, методики вимірювання
Ключові слова:
політична участь, політичні практики, політична залученість, структурні компоненти, обґрунтування вимірюванняАнотація
У статті представлено теоретичне та методологічне підґрунтя дослідження політичної участі; здійснено спробу долучитися до обґрунтування вимірювання політичної участі через авторську концептуалізацію.
1. Bortnikov, V. (2008), “Democracy of participation as a social phenomenon”, Modern ukr. policy. Politics and political scientists about it, No. 12, Pp. 334–341.
2. Merton, R. K. (1996), Explicit and latent functions, American sociological thought, Moscow, Pp. 393–461.
3. Lypset, S. (1972), Political Sociology, American sociology. Prospects, problems, methods, Moscow, Pp. 203–219.
4. Kollinz, R. (1993), Conflict Theory in Modern Macro-Historical Sociology, Philosophical and sociological thought, No. 6, Pp. 81–99.
5. Darendorf, R. (1994), Elements of the theory of social conflict, Sociological Studies, No. 5, Pp. 142–147.
6. Khabermas, Yu. (1993), Theory of communicative action, Moscow University Bulletin, No. 4, Pp. 43–63.
7. Sorokin, P. (1992), Social and cultural mobility, Human. Civilization. Society, Moscow : Politizdat, Pp. 297–424.
8. Markuze, H. (2003), One-Dimensional Man, Moscow : Center for Humanitarian Technologies, 386 p.
9. Rotar, N. (2005), “Political participation: theoretical and methodological problems of definition of the concept”, State and Law, No. 28, Pp. 646–653.
10. Rotar, N. (2007), “Dialogue forms of political participation: preconditions and prospects of becoming in Ukraine”, Political Management, No. 1, Pp. 75–91.
11. Chemshyt, A. A. (2004), “Criteria for acceptability and unacceptability of political participation”, Grani, No. 3, Pp. 108–122.
12. Meleshkina, K. Yu. (2001), “Political behavior”, Political process: the main aspects and methods of analysis, Moscow : INFRA–M, Pp. 152–157.
13. Rotar, N. (2006), “Prospects of political participation of Ukrainian citizens in the context of the European experience of E-democracy”, State and Law, No. 32, Pp. 481–491.
14. Bekeshkina, I. E. (2001), Democratization in Ukraine: sociological diagnosis, Methodology, theory and practice of sociological analysis of modern society, Pp. 84–93.
15. Voronov, I. (2004), Man and politics. In search of a humanistic alternative, Kyiv : Genesis, 364 p.
16. Kliuienko, E. (2005), Political Participation: Theory, Methodology, and Measurement Using the Gutman Scaling Method, Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, No. 4, Pp. 46–72.
17. Borovskyi, O. O (2010), Political behaviour and orientation of the population of Eastern Europe in conditions of political transformation, Kyiv : Logos, Pp. 206–211.
18. Holovakha,Ye. (2010), Trends in social change in Ukraine and Europe: according to the results of the "European Social Research" 2005-2007-2009, Kyiv : NAS of Ukraine, Instute of Sociology, 118 p.
19. Yadov, V. O. (1979), Self-regulation and prediction of social behavior of the individual, httm://www.ecsocman.edu.ru/text/19207674/
2. Merton, R. K. (1996), Explicit and latent functions, American sociological thought, Moscow, Pp. 393–461.
3. Lypset, S. (1972), Political Sociology, American sociology. Prospects, problems, methods, Moscow, Pp. 203–219.
4. Kollinz, R. (1993), Conflict Theory in Modern Macro-Historical Sociology, Philosophical and sociological thought, No. 6, Pp. 81–99.
5. Darendorf, R. (1994), Elements of the theory of social conflict, Sociological Studies, No. 5, Pp. 142–147.
6. Khabermas, Yu. (1993), Theory of communicative action, Moscow University Bulletin, No. 4, Pp. 43–63.
7. Sorokin, P. (1992), Social and cultural mobility, Human. Civilization. Society, Moscow : Politizdat, Pp. 297–424.
8. Markuze, H. (2003), One-Dimensional Man, Moscow : Center for Humanitarian Technologies, 386 p.
9. Rotar, N. (2005), “Political participation: theoretical and methodological problems of definition of the concept”, State and Law, No. 28, Pp. 646–653.
10. Rotar, N. (2007), “Dialogue forms of political participation: preconditions and prospects of becoming in Ukraine”, Political Management, No. 1, Pp. 75–91.
11. Chemshyt, A. A. (2004), “Criteria for acceptability and unacceptability of political participation”, Grani, No. 3, Pp. 108–122.
12. Meleshkina, K. Yu. (2001), “Political behavior”, Political process: the main aspects and methods of analysis, Moscow : INFRA–M, Pp. 152–157.
13. Rotar, N. (2006), “Prospects of political participation of Ukrainian citizens in the context of the European experience of E-democracy”, State and Law, No. 32, Pp. 481–491.
14. Bekeshkina, I. E. (2001), Democratization in Ukraine: sociological diagnosis, Methodology, theory and practice of sociological analysis of modern society, Pp. 84–93.
15. Voronov, I. (2004), Man and politics. In search of a humanistic alternative, Kyiv : Genesis, 364 p.
16. Kliuienko, E. (2005), Political Participation: Theory, Methodology, and Measurement Using the Gutman Scaling Method, Sociology: theory, methods, marketing, No. 4, Pp. 46–72.
17. Borovskyi, O. O (2010), Political behaviour and orientation of the population of Eastern Europe in conditions of political transformation, Kyiv : Logos, Pp. 206–211.
18. Holovakha,Ye. (2010), Trends in social change in Ukraine and Europe: according to the results of the "European Social Research" 2005-2007-2009, Kyiv : NAS of Ukraine, Instute of Sociology, 118 p.
19. Yadov, V. O. (1979), Self-regulation and prediction of social behavior of the individual, httm://www.ecsocman.edu.ru/text/19207674/
Методологія соціологічних досліджень