A Study of Solo-Living in the Countries of Northern and Southern Europe





social change, lifestyle, solo-living, Northern and Southern Europe


Despite the growing popularity of the solo-living phenomenon around the world, the authors note that its socio-cultural specificity is not much emphasized, although it has a great influence on the formation of lifestyle. The article analyzes the research of solo life in different European countries. Based on the results of the analysis, the authors conclude that despite the fact that the number of people who choose to live solo varies across Europe, the greatest contrast is observed between the South and North of Europe. This is primarily due to the fact that the countries of Northern Europe are characterized by a greater manifestation of the values of self-expression and in terms of religion, Southern Europe is more Catholic. The contrast is due to several factors: economic stability in the North is much higher, giving people the opportunity to live alone. The contrast is also caused by the rooting of the family tradition in societies: in the societies of the south, thanks to the Catholic tradition, the family comes first and the norms and values are preserved for generations. For the Nordic countries, it is more typical to leave the parental home early and have a weak connection with the family. Friends for Nordic youth act as an alternative to the family. Such an early transition to independent life for young people makes it impossible for long-term economic dependence on parents in Southern countries. It will be easier for countries with developed economies to adjust their social policies concerning solo-livers, but, as we can see, not all countries, even those with developed economies, control this process.


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