Modified SERVPERF: Analysis of Questions
modified SERVPERF, quality of educational services, UNiDOS, confirmatory factor analysisAbstract
The article is about modified SERVPERF which is used to measure the quality of educational services in higher educational institutes (HEI). It consists of 26 questions grouped into five dimensions. SERVPERF is included in the UNiDOS questionnaire. UNiDOS is a monitoring survey which is conducted by the Faculty of Sociology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. The aim of our research is to identify questions that are incomprehensible for respondents (students) and / or related to situations they have not encountered. Probably it is need to transform them in the modified SERVPERF without reducing of the validity. We analysed the percentage of students who choose the answer “Difficult to answer or I do not know about it” and perform a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). It is found that the question “Teachers pay particular attention to the students with disabilities” should be transformed in the modified SERVPERF. This is most likely due to the small proportion of students with disabilities, the predominant “distance” of learning and the fact that “pay attention” is usual and is not positioned as something special and extraordinary. Most of the respondents cannot assess the teachers’ attitude towards students with disabilities. Also after the removal of this question from the modified SERVPERF CFA model fits better.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Ruslana Moskotina, Mykola Sydorov

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