Factors Influencing Electoral Choice: the Potential of Factorial Design
factorial survey, vignettes, political behavior, electoral choice, online surveysAbstract
The article discusses the cognitive capabilities of factorial survey in the study of factors affecting the electoral choice of candidates for deputies to the Verkhovna Rada elected by majority voting. The focus of the article is the consideration of theoretical concepts of electoral choice and the selection of its determinants. The expediency of using established factors to study the electoral choice of ukrainian voters is illustrated on the example of empirical research conducted in Ukraine. The article also reflects the results of a pilot study using the method of factorial survey, which established the significance of such factors of candidate choice as the attitude of the voter to the party that supports the candidate; personal sympathy for the candidate; assessments of the candidate’s ability to best solve the problems of the district; the candidate’s chances of winning. At the same time, we did not find evidence of the significance of the factor of the immediate environment approval on the choice of a candidate. In addition, the paper provides evidence of the possible heterogeneity of the influence of established factors in terms of groups with different levels of interest in politics and the frequency of discussion of political issues with relatives. Possible directions of further research of electoral choice factors are offered.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Daniil Karakai, Mykola Sydorov, Oleksii Sereda

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