The Interpretation of Social Myth in Comparative Reprezentation


  • Yu. O. Bondarenko Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University



social mythology, social myth, symbolic system, ideology, stereotype


The article deals with the main theoretical and methodological directions of study social myths. Their strong and weak features are analyzed. The analysis carried out by the author witnesses that most of existing doctrines are mainly targeted towards the study of separate aspects of social myth and therefore can hardly serve as universal tool for the sociological research of this phenomenon. The author notes the lack of commonly accepted theory of myth, as well as both profoundly designed conceptual framework and clear methodological approach to be taken as a basis the special empirical research. Hence the need to develop an integrated approach to the study of the social myth phenomenon is substantiated. The basis for the integral theory of myth is to be established due to theoretical experience of R. Barthes, M. Eliade, P. Bourdieu, M. Shestov, V. Burlachuk.
Barthes’ approach enables the successful revealing practices of transmitting mythologems into mass consciousness via modern media and literature. Works by M. Eliade and M. Shestov can serve an example of historical and sociological analysis of mythological plots. The most complete definition of myth as well as the analysis of the role of myth and other symbolic systems in social reality construction can be found in the works by V. Burlachuk. Author supposes that the application of the conceptual framework elaborated by P. Bourdieu towards integral approach in modern sociology to the present day mythology combined with the ideas of other researchers will enable building the social myth theory based upon the demands of axiological neutrality, which can take into account the socio-historical context of myths’ genesis, as well as social myths and other elements of social structure inter-relations and co-influences.


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