Culture and Food Habits of Kharkiv Schoolchildren in the Context of a Full- Scale War (Based on the Online Survey Results)
food practices, schoolchildren, Kharkiv, online survey, FUSILLI, HORIZON 2020, food, health, biopoliticsAbstract
The article analyses the results of a sociological study of Kharkiv schoolchildren's food habits, conducted by the staff of the School of Sociology of V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University as part of the FUSILLI project in March-April 2024. The study involved about 300 high school students studying offline in Kharkiv metro school and Lyceum 173. The article describes the research methodology and presents the regulatory documents of state and local authorities on schoolchildren's nutrition. Particular attention is paid to how their food practices are reproduced and changed in the context of the full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. The article provides data on the attitudes of Kharkiv schoolchildren towards their health, healthy eating (including awareness of it), the influence of family and school on this, consumption of junk food and alcohol by high school students; attitudes towards collective food practices with friends, classmates, etc.; their skills and abilities to prepare food, to observe hygiene rules when eating it; and the perception of changes in nutrition (diet, regularity, cost, etc.) during a full-scale war at home and school. The article analyses the life, including educational, plans of schoolchildren for the near future. Prospects for further research on the selected issues are identified.
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