Problematic of the Subject in Modern Ukrainian Social Process


  • Yuliia Yemelianova Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University



subject, collective subject, individual subject, personality development, human concepts, practical philosophy


The article analyzes the problem of subjectivity as a person’s potential ability to acquire the status of an active subject of social process. The formation of the individual-subject in modern Ukrainian society occurs in the context of the desire of the country as a collective subject to become a political subject. The practice of implementing two parallel processes in Ukraine looks contradictory; its specificity gives reasons for publications in media, while there is no scientific discussion on the problem of subjectivity in Ukraine.

The author understands subjectivity as a process of forming an elaborate psycho-cultural complex of personality. They identify a basic element in it of the individual identification with a certain ideal of a person as such. It is formed by theoretical knowledge in the field of philosophy and social-humanitarian sciences as well as the cultural traditions of the people. The formation of individual personal subjectivity by a significant part of citizens becomes a condition for the successful subjectivity of the country.

Based on the facts of the modern social process in Ukraine, the author suggest that in Ukrainian society the generally accepted scientific image of a special subject has not formed yet.

The purpose of the article is to indicate a problem in the representation of a person in educational texts in higher education. The author show that today's explanation of a person in a world that becomes more complicated and represents a field of competition of social entities in educational texts does not satisfy the needs of Ukrainian students as generations of creators of a new political subject - Ukraine.

The author claim that based on the challenges Ukrainian society is facing, the young generation should receive subjective-oriented knowledge which would allow to operate with such renewed concepts and concepts that explain the meaning of the subjectivity and ways of its implementation in a modern poly-subjective society.


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