Migration Strategies of Ukrainian Youth in the Context of Russian Armed Aggression





migration, migration strategies, youth, social interaction, assimilation


The purpose of the article is to study the migration strategies of Ukrainian youth in the context of russian armed aggression. The article analyses the problem of young Ukrainians actively going abroad and the formation of the preconditions for a large-scale demographic crisis provoked by military actions. Particular attention is paid to a number of empirical studies by the Chicago School of Sociology, which framed the scientific paradigm of migration within the framework of the theory of assimilation. The authors made an attempt to analyse in detail the possible threats and risks that the loss of labour and intellectual capital due to the outflow of young people outside the country will cause, resulting in a slowdown in economic development and intensification of the nation's ageing processes, which is extremely important in the context of armed conflict.

The authors also describe the key results of a sociological survey that identified the main criteria that attract young people and make them migrate to the EU. The authors make a comparative analysis of the respondents' aspirations to go abroad and the real opportunities and actions aimed at implementing the emigration strategy.


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