Social Trauma vs Adverse Childhood Experiences of Ukrainian Children of Forced Migrants




migration, forced migrants, migrant children, social sustability, Russian armed aggression, internally displaced persons


The purpose of the article is to study the key problems that Ukrainian children of forced migrants face and experience events of this nature, which are classified as social trauma. The authors reflect on studies focused on migrant children and emphasize taking into account the conditions under which this migration took place, namely: forced spontaneous migration as a result of Russia's military aggression against Ukraine. Considering the scale of forced migration of Ukrainians both in terms of number and prevalence, the increase in the number of social problems caused by migration is an important factor in social transformations in Ukraine and EU countries. The authors emphasize the fact that migrant children go through a unique experience that affects their childhood, provoking the emergence of the “social cryptomnesia” phenomenon and requiring the mobilization of adaptive resources. Aspects of children's application of old social practices in new (sometimes existential) socio-cultural conditions are highlighted separately, which complicates the process of adaptation, integration, and acculturation. The authors analyse the traumatic impact on the socialization of such negative phenomena as stigmatization, cultural shock, and ethnic dissociation. The research results presented in the article confirm the high level of traumatic experiences of children of forced migrants who survived shelling, life in shelters, occupation, filtration camps, poverty, hunger, etc. It is important to study adaptation resources that help children adapt to new living conditions.


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