Competency Approach in Teaching of the Methodology and Organization of Scientifics Researches for the Future Specialists in Sociology
science, scientific activity, social position of the scientist, critical installation, profile of the scientistAbstract
The article substantiates that the organization of the training on the course is aimed at forming the components of undergraduates-sociologists in the field of research work. From the standpoint of a competent approach, the results of master’s training include mastery of modern professional knowledge, the formation of skills and abilities for effective independent performance of work on the production of new, as well as the formation of moral qualities and the person’s culture.
The theoretical sources in the formation of the concept of science and scientific activity in the undergraduate sociologists in the paper are the works of M. Weber and R. Merton on sociology of science, P. Burdier on the sociology of education and science, the text on the sociological imagination of Wright C. Mills, the work from the semiotics of the test W. Eco. As empirical sources it is recommended to use life stories of scientists, written in the genre of intellectual biography, or interview materials with scientists, etc.
The importance of understanding of the social position of the scientist in the spirit of the concept of «organized skepticism» proposed by R. Merton is emphasized.
The possibilities of mastering during the course of study by undergraduate sociologists of different methods of critical analysis of scientific sociological texts, and distributed by the means of language stereotypes, and myths representatives of the studied social groups are described. The role of organized skepticism of scientists in the assessment of the current power is emphasized and accentuated on the quality of criticism itself.
It is postulated that an important aspect of multiplication of general and professional competence will be acquaintance of masters-sociologists with the system of modern requirements of the scientific professional community to the scientist. Students are familiar with the characteristics of the profile of the scientist and the procedure for its creation.
It is concluded that the study of the course by sociologists-magistrates will eventually mean the systematization of knowledge about the peculiarities of scientific activity, promote the development of individual qualities of the researcher and the development of individual skills for independent research.
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6. Mills, C. Wright. (1959). On intellectual craftsmanship. Sociological Imagination. New York : Oxford University Press, 239 p.
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8. Merton, R. K. (1973). The Sociology of Science. Theoretical and Empirical Investigations [edited and with an introduction by Norman W. Storer]. London : University of Chicago Press, 605 p.
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