Personality of the Ideal Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as an Object of Analysis and Subject for Discussion
ideal type, communicative interaction, political elite, political leadership, political space, electoral expectationsAbstract
Politics and political processes are of great interest to the public. Expectations for politicians, leaders and representatives of political parties in Ukraine are high always. Society delegates its authority to lawmakers in the hope of constructive development of the state, raising the standard of living of the population and increasing the role of social guarantees. What should be the ideal deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, what are his personal qualities, what should his team be, what are the primary tasks to be accomplished? These key positions on the figure of the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine became the subject of discussion on the basis of the method "TheWorldcafe", was moderated by the authors of the article. The target audience was academic (student) youth. The purpose of the study is to study a particular case of meaningful political discourse in the field of political discourse, namely the construction of the concept of an "ideal deputy of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine", as well as the implementation of the "TheWorldcafe" methodology in the field of political sociology.
The typical constructions are regarding the ethical behavior of the deputy proposed in the discussion process convey the dominant moral values of the academic youth. The excellent constructions regarding social expectations in terms of the programmatic part of the activity of deputies are based on differences of personal biographical experience, excellent environment, interests and social origin of knowledge.
The abstract image of a politician is formed due to the inaccessibility of politicians, the fragmentation of contacts with them, which occur mainly in absentia - through the media. Through the prism was formed on the basis of the past experience of the figure of the Deputy, an attitude is formed and an assessment of present and future politicians is made.
As the study found, the methodology of "TheWorldcafe" is quite suitable for sociological searches made in a qualitative research strategy. It is appropriate to realize it when it is intended to create a portrait of a certain person, group, or when it is intended to outline a figure of a certain "ideal type". The problem of forming the political elite is presented in this study at the level of perception by others - those who are not currently claiming this status. The technique was used allows us to find out the degree of awareness and understanding of the issue under discussion in the discussion groups and, similar to the focus group, to identify not so much the similarities of the issues discussed, but their diversity, thought development and extreme positions.
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Copyright (c) 2019 Tetiana Lishchuk-Torchynska, Olga Kuzmuk

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